Do yall like the condiments above or below the patty?

by capnlatenight


  1. Ok-Sky-6864

    Mayo, lettuce, pickles, tomatoes on top; grilled onion, ketchup, mustard, bacon on the bottom. The idea is the things which taste better soaked in grease go under, stuff that gets weird mixed with ketchup/mustard/grease goes on top. This way the flavors stand out more.

  2. Adventurous_Treat5

    Anyway it’s fine anyway it’s going the same way and these look amazing.

  3. Tug_Stanboat

    I bend over and eat burgers upside down so my ***bottom-***ings become ***top-***pings.
    I am an abomination.
    A burger eating bumble, even.

  4. sad0panda

    I put lettuce on bottom, everything else on top.

  5. AssignedName4477

    Both is the key. The key to life!!!!

    No exposed dry bun. Dry burgers, dry sandwiches dry anything, be damned!!!

  6. Hot_Secretary_5722

    Veggies on top, sauces on the bottom

  7. Crime_Dawg

    Need both sides or it all falls apart. Gotta load that shit up with everything.

  8. VaWeedFarmer

    Well if I use 2 condimemts, one on top on on bottom

  9. anon3220

    Depends on the burger but of those, definitely above

  10. strtbobber

    Mayo and ketchup below, mustard and relish above.

  11. princepii

    you always know one of em doesn’t look right

  12. swiebertjeee

    Lettuce will go on bottom because it will help with the dripping fat not being absorbed by the bun which will make it soggy if some parts have not been toasted well.

  13. icallitadisaster

    Mayo and pickles on the bottom. Everything else goes on top

  14. mimisikuray

    Onions, pickles and mustard below the patty, lettuce tomato mayo above it.

  15. GroundbreakingData20


    It’s the correct way

  16. DownTownBrown28

    I don’t care just put your meat in my mouth

  17. veilofmaya1234

    Peanut butter on bottom. Cheese, pickles, bacon, and BBQ sauce on top

  18. KlondikeBill

    Ketchup and mustard below, mayo and other dressings on the top bun.

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