Double smash with American cheese, braised mushrooms with onions, bacon, pickles, lettuce and homemade burgersauce

by MettyMettmeier


  1. Adventurous_Treat5

    It looks delicious! This burger has everything a good hamburger should have

  2. BougieHole

    That, my friend, is a good looking burger.

  3. ehhhhh710

    I vote this burger for possibly the best looking I’ve seen on this sub .

  4. Hot_Secretary_5722

    This burger looks vey tasty. Just gotta replace that processed cheese with some real cheese.

  5. Selene-Being-Sexy

    Is the burger bun potato or brioche dough ?It looks super delicious !!

  6. grossinm

    Jesus tapdancing Christ!

    Edited b/c tapdancing is apparently one word.

  7. Biscuits-77

    Damn the crust on the burgers are amazing. Literally looks like the perfect burger. 👌

  8. timothytrillion

    Chat is nailing it. Absolutely beautiful

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