Got this TS yellow Moruga that I started from seed awhile ago, roots are already at the bottom, think it might be time to repot, but not really sure

by Elon_Bezos420


  1. The-Noize

    My peppers are 2’ high in my solo cups still. It’s when they become root bound that you know you have to repot. They will dry out quickly if that’s the case.

  2. One_Loquat_3737

    It would do no harm to repot it but it’s not urgent yet, I think. the roots out of the bottom of the pot happen when there’s moisture down there for them to seek out, if you had stood the pot on a dry surface they would more likely have stayed inside. The pot itself is hardly a tangled mass of mostly root material so it’s not potbound yet.

    This is just one grower’s opinion, but I’ve been growing these things for 20 years on and off.

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