Cottage Cheese Cookie Dough

by lowcarbspark


  1. lowcarbspark

    # Full Recipe Here: [Cottage Cheese Cookie Dough ](


    * 2 cups Cottage Cheese
    * 1/4 cup [Sugar-free Syrup]( or more to taste
    * 2 tsp [vanilla extract](
    * 3 tbsp [coconut flour](
    * 1/3 cup [Vanilla Protein Powder](
    * 1/3 cup dark chocolate chips


    1. Blend cottage cheese, syrup, and vanilla until smooth.
    2. Add coconut flour and protein powder, blend again.
    3. Transfer to a bowl, fold in chocolate chips.
    4. Adjust sweetness.
    5. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
    6. Enjoy as a snack or dessert topping.

  2. ExcuseNo1617

    Someone please test run this for me and let me know if it slaps🙏🙏😭

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