Would you say this is too rare?

by violettexxx_


  1. violettexxx_

    My husband told me it’s still raw ahaha. Just wanted to know your opinions, thanks guys!

  2. bigby2010

    That’s more done than medium rare. Tell your husband to cook his own damn steak next time

  3. BuddaJim2023

    That’s perfect. Definitely no more. Eat it!!!✌🏻

  4. The_Wrecking_Ball

    Only if you took the term medium-rare and removed “-rare”

  5. Willcatfish69

    Perfect for me and looks delicious 😋

  6. chilldood_22

    this is far from raw, it can likely pass as med rare or medium, but closer to med rare. it’s cook is really good as there is little to no grey band. sear looks good too from what I can tell. also those fries are much better than a lot you see here on this sub

  7. BasedWang

    Personally that’s too cooked, but if you were aiming at medium rare than awesome job. To think thats too raw is insane

  8. NYerInTex

    That’s at least medium, possibly mid plus.

  9. agulde28

    That’s like medium. Your husband is clueless lol. Do not cook anything beyond this temperature unless he wants to eat hockey pucks for din din.

  10. Domsdad666

    I’ll say it if you want, but it’s overdone.

  11. ToastetteEgg

    It’s closer to too cooked than too rare.

  12. ShawnSimoes

    That’s a solid medium+. I’d eat it but it’s overcooked.

  13. Ambitious-Way-6669

    The only thing too rare about that meal is it’s frequency in my life.

  14. Crafty-Photograph-18

    That’s the most medium medium I’ve seen in a while

  15. Marsupialize

    That’s not rare at all, people have a very warped idea of what rare means in a steak

  16. stylusxyz

    I wouldn’t say anything while eating this beautiful steak.

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