It may not be perfect, but it's the first loaf I'm actually really pleased with. The crumb is soft and fluffy, not dense and the crust has more of a crunch to it (even if it is a little over charred).

As they say, third times the charm!

I added 30g of honey to try and soften the crumb and add a little sweetness. There is no difference in the taste that I can tell, but it is a much softer crumb than I've managed before. Although I also pushed the bulk fermentation further than I have before so I'm not sure which contributed.

by Resident-Inflation46

1 Comment

  1. Resident-Inflation46

    500g of 14.9% protein bread flour 350g water 100g starter. 1 hr autolyse, 5 sets of stretch and folds/coil folds. 30g honey incorporated during stretch and folds. 9hr bulk fermentation at 22°C until doubled. Baked in Dutch oven 25 mins lid on 30 mins lid off at 230°C.

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