How would you rate Conor Mcgregor’s steaks?

by stinkytootz


  1. redditorbb

    Sear isn’t amazing, would have to see the final product cut open to really judge it though.

  2. Cowboytroy32

    The back right ribeye is probably the only one that’s not pushing medwell.

    That being said, if I was at the BBQ I would tell him it was better than sex and he is the Gordon Ramsey of the UFC. Guy would front kid my head off for disrespecting his meat.

  3. Commercial-Bar-1159

    They’re definitely not seasoned 

  4. ibpoopn

    They’re really thin I bet they’re over

  5. FerretAres

    Whats with the idea of a grilling season? You can very easily grill year round.

  6. Pugilist12

    I’d expect someone that rich to have better cuts. Look thin. Sear is shit.

  7. juiceyb

    That grill ain’t anywhere near the heat it’s supposed to be.

  8. TheseAintMyPants2

    As bad as the whiskey with his name on it

  9. getupk3v

    Foooooooking trash m8. The hell with ya!

  10. SpellingBeeRunnerUp_

    I can’t say much about those steaks but I bet those burgers are fire

  11. Itchy-Inflation-1600


    Do better you fooking coont!!

  12. TheFudge

    When your hamburgers are thicker than your steaks you need to re-evaluate some of your life decisions.

  13. Spreadeaglebeagle44

    In the words of Immortan Joe…….mediocre!

  14. Funtacy

    Judging an unfinished product 🥲🥲🥲

  15. sausagepilot

    Money doesn’t buy class. Surely he could source better cuts? Even a better BBQ?
    Was the rosemary placed for the pic.

  16. aviarx175

    I’m poor and I make better steaks than that on the reg.

  17. turpslerper69

    Overpriced and well done just like his career

  18. OneEyedDevilDog

    Too thin, overcooked, cocky. Steaks look like shit too.

  19. flstfat1998

    Definitely Ribeyes you can see the fookin cap!

  20. babygravy_03

    Rather get knocked out by him than get knocked out eating that

  21. __Sentient_Fedora__


    (Peter Griffin voice)

  22. philip1529

    I went to look on his profile for this. I went on ig and it’s not there so hopefully he got roasted as bad as his steaks he deleted it

  23. 1KN0W38

    To thin for the champ champ, needs more juice

  24. ottarthedestroyer

    I read it as this is his first bbq he’s purchased of the year.

  25. garrettwilsongoat17

    I must know what that orange dot is inside the closest steak

  26. Altruistic_Tax2575

    Like he also tapped out on cooking

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