So I have a habanero and cayenne growing (as attached). As an amature to growing I found out that hot peppers tend to grow very slowly. Ive made the mistake growing this along with my other non pepper floushing seedlings at the same time, which was 30 days ago.

I have about 2 weeks until my last frost date, but the forcast seems to be very promising after this week(Southern PA area) hitting around 70-80f with low 50f temps so I may plant others a bit early.

Is it worth letting this grow out? My first frost date here is early october which gives me about up to 180 days. Or would it make sense to just save that space for a quicker growing crop and not plant the peppers?

by ITEnthus


  1. LuvPeppers

    If you got peppers growing, keep them growing. It will be happy when your peppers veg. They are awesome and they taste great you got it going if it ain’t broken don’t fix it.

  2. LuvPeppers

    Do you have drainage holes on the bottom of your containers?

  3. TheJetsAndBennie

    I would definitely keep those growing in their current containers for at least the next week or so, and give it until you’re certain there’s no frost or you risk losing your plants! You could also cover the plants with a sheet or any sort of frost cover at night to keep them protected. Also I would ensure that your plants are hardened off so the sun isn’t too intense on them, which could set them back weeks or worse!

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