I started out my steak cooking journey by cold searing with little to no oil (olive oil) and as you can see, the results were less than impressive. The turning point was when I switched to reverse searing using avocado oil. The sear became much more even and golden brown, and grey banding much thinner. Used a variety of cuts, but recently have favoured tenderloin for its cleaner and deeper flavour. Also managed to improve the timing in order to achieve a true medium rare. Most are seasoned post-sear with black pepper, herbs and more salt (according to individual taste).

Before anyone starts with the ‘don’t pre-sliced your steak’ nonsense, they were meant for sharing with my wife and kid.

by SuperMagpies


  1. canthandlethebooth

    My man’s living his best life. A little jelly rn.Definitely improved👍, although your first few didn’t look too bad either. Only improvement I think you need is to invite some of us over.🍽I’ll bring some sides.

  2. petey_wheatstraw_99

    The sear on the 6th one is nice, I’d say that was the best judging just by the pictures.

  3. FullyAutoDracos

    Did you drop it on the grass in slide 8??

  4. juanrober


  5. MastrOvNon

    Nothing but net for 12 straight cooks!

  6. The cook is great on most of them. I like that as time progressed, you stopped garnishing or putting dry herbs on them, no need to do that on good quality meat, salt, pepper and some lemon is more than enough. The one thing I could comment is, obviously depending on the cut of meat, I would cut the steaks a litle thicker. 5 and 7 are in my opinion the best.

  7. ElChacalFL

    Slide 8 looks like it would send u straight to the toilet. There’s definitely improvement from then on.

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