1. My mouth is watering uncontrollably. I needed paper towels to control this. I'm at work and I'm trying not to die of Starving Fat Kid Syndrome. Please send halp.

  2. wtf did I just watch? I guess I'm not going to Chicago for a good slice of pizza. These guys didn't even put the toppings on in the right order. The PNW could teach you how to make a pizza correctly.

  3. It’s been about t years since I’ve had one of these baby’s and damn I want one now. I’m in frickin North Dakota , lol. But going back home in spring and yup !!

  4. One day I hope to travel to Chicago and try a real dip dish pizza. Live in NJ and have some great pizza, but have always wanted to try Chicago style pizza

  5. Looks awesome! Serious question. Are the gloves just for show? Not in the industry but wonder why they wear gloves and still touch everything. Seems pointless….

  6. This is a total joke. Chicago deep dish pizza is not a pizza. It’s a casserole but Chicagoans like to fool themselves. Nothing wrong with casseroles just don’t call it pizza. If you want a pizza go to New York and get the best on the planet. If you want a cheese and meat casserole, well, you know where to get it.

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