For tonight’s dinner my parents made a roast w brocolli and cheddar potatos

by micheleferlisi


  1. justinsayin

    Oh heck yes.

    I love every one of those things.

  2. BenedictineBaby

    This looks awesome. Solid home cooking. I’d be adding apple sauce to dip that pork in.

  3. Zestyclose_Big_9090

    Dying for some gravy on that roast. Otherwise, perfection.

  4. karolchambers

    The roast and broccoli are way over cooked.

  5. Globewanderer1001

    Awesome parents! Enjoy your yummy dinner!

  6. Doesn’t look seasoned at all, and the cheese looks like Kraft or something, it’s neon yellow.

  7. Stone_Midi

    Looks delicious, needs a sauce for the pork though

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