Could have eaten a dozen of these

by courtesyflusherrr


  1. EcstaticJuggernaut46

    Who on earth can only eat two?! Not me! Those look amazing.

  2. pineappledumdum

    Goddamn man. You like cheese. A lot.

  3. muushroomer

    Herdez the best taco sauce no question about it😍🙏🏻

  4. chetmcgee

    That cheese looks awful. Why plop a bunch of cold cheese on top of what looks like a decent taco? I mean, you got some hot sauce and avocado right there!

  5. lusirfer702

    You forgot to melt the cheese in your quesadilla

  6. AdditionRight3231

    who cant eat those two thats looks so yummy, im craving for it

  7. locogabo2

    What’s up with the cheese? No need for it

  8. zombtachi_uchiha

    throw that Herdez out of your town!!! that thing nasty!!!!!

  9. CanIGetAShakeWThat43

    Herdez has verde street sauce? Yum!

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