Someone in the sub mentioned mayo before but I usually just butter the pan and call it a day ๐Ÿ˜ญ never going back

by Babytrixie666


  1. I hate mayo so much, but Iโ€™m totally down with using it this way.

  2. inverted_electron

    Iโ€™ve always used mayo and it makes such a good crust and adds so much flavor. Much bette than butter imo

  3. AlexandriaAirbender

    Duuude yes! The southern part of my fam swears by mayo on grilled cheese or toasted sammies, itโ€™s great for a butter substitute. Which, sacrificing myself to the downvotes, but I am not the biggest fan of butter unless used properly. The smell of butter unfortunately triggers migraines for me so I use it when needed.

  4. PennyButtercup

    This is the way. A little pepper helps wake up the taste buds, and mayo perfects the grilling.

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