I am relatively new to the coffee world and recently bought a nice Sage Oracle machine. I went to the supermarket to buy coffee and noticed most of the bags of espresso beans were roasted last year. I went online to a reputable shop (crema.fi) and ordered some different beans. Overall I thought the taste was fine but the roasting dates were all last year or beginning of this year. From reading on here and watching Youtube videos, it seems fresh roasted coffee can really make a difference in taste and texture. I ordered a second box of different brands of beans from crema.fi and again they were all roasted sometime last year. And even one bag was roasted all the way back in October of 2022!! Do I complain about the roasting dates? Ask for refund? Let it go? try it anyways?

by Magicamelofdoom


  1. redskelton

    Yes. My roaster sent me 2kg of beans for free to season a grinder. They were fresher than the beans you paid for

  2. You can definitely request a refund for the 2022 bag. Beans are considered to be ‘good’ in a food safety sense for 1 year after roast. If the website isn’t making any promise about the beans being a certain level of freshness, then I wouldn’t think they’re obligated to send you something recently roasted. But I imagine if you complain and say you want your money back (and are willing to return the beans you bought), they’ll give you a refund.

  3. rouge-agent007

    i would not accept coffee that was roasted in 10/23 (also 6 months gone by)…so..

  4. ChocoMassacre

    Stop buying from crema, they’re pretty overpriced even though their inventory is pretty good, except coffee. Buy from local roasters or reputable roasters around europe

  5. konradly

    Even my local supermarket has a best before date for beans of maximum a year after roasting, that means they chuck everything older than a year. I’d say you definitely should get a refund for anything older than a year.

  6. ArduinoGenome

    >”Overall I thought the taste was fine but the roasting dates were all last year or beginning of this year.”

    We all like what we like.  I’ve had Lavazza, packed the nitrogen, that I drank 9 months after the manufactured date (They don’t use a roast date), And it was good. 

    Oracle machine?  Nice.

  7. Benaguilera08

    Splurge on a 15 euro bag of specialty coffee and you will see what the fuzz is. IMO it’s not worth getting a 2000 euro machine with crappy beans. I’d rather have a 400 euro setup and specialty freshly roasted beans any day of the week.

  8. UnholyDonkey

    I recently found out (my brother found it) that there is a roaster 15 mins away from me which is about £8 for a 250g bag, and the coffee is some of the best that I have had!

    Definitely worth a google search to see if there is a roaster near you as well as if you arent paying delivery you can probably get a decent deal 🙂

  9. michi214

    If it’s a shop that sort of aims for “specialty” or sells only coffee thats not acceptable.

    From my local roastery i never got a bag older than 2 weeks.

    For super market quality coffee, i don’t know, it is what it is in that case i would say

  10. CGDParadox

    Order some beans from Swerl roasters, they should ship to you and they are putting out some phenomenal things at the moment https://swerl.se

  11. BackgroundEbb417

    Start roasting if you don’t wanna pay those prices

  12. Awkward_Dragon25

    Send that right back. 2 year old beans is a big ol’ nope.

  13. mmalkuwari

    Buy from a local roaster or from speciality coffee online shops, also confirm roasting date before purchasing

  14. ultramarioihaz

    Find some local roasters online, pay a visit, try their coffee, buy some beans if you liked your coffee. Repeat as needed.

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