so i shop at trader joe's every single week and i noticed a couple weeks ago they sell these tikka vegetables packets and i was like damn okay let me give it a try bc i love indian food a ton .

so i use 140 grams of the packet (which is about half) and i mix it with 30 grams of tomato sauce and 30 grams of 0% greek yogurt. then i heat it up in a pan and today i added 121 grams of tofu!! sometimes i do chicken but today i had tofu in the fridge leftover from the other night. then i cook rice and pair the two together and YALL it is so filling and absolutely delicious and i'd highly rec giving it a go… ive been making this weekly since i came across the packet

by No-Hour9263


  1. jason0705

    Looks so good. How much more calories would chicken be? Asking for a friend…ok for me.

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