After fiddling with several online recipes, I came up with a combination rich, creamy, and flavorful enough to please my entire family of five! πŸ˜…

Vanilla Oat & Cashew Creamer:
Ingredients –
2 cups chilled* water
1/2 cup raw cashews
1 1/2 cups rolled oats
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (optional)
3 teaspoons powdered stevia or sweetener of choice (optional)

Tools –
Blender (I have a Vitamix, but a regular blender would also work)
Cheesecloth, fine mesh strainer or large nylon nut milk bag (this is what use)
Measuring cups & spoons

Pour water into blender jar & add cashews. Blend on medium for 30 seconds. Add oats and blend for another 30 seconds. Strain & gently press or squeeze the milk into desired serving container. The strained out oat and cashew mush can be used as a hot breakfast cereal or in baking and freezes well for later use. Optional: mix in vanilla and desired sweetener to taste. Can be used immediately or refrigerated for 5-7 days. The starches from the oats will settle out. We like to shake it before use, so it’s thicker, others may prefer to use as is.

We keep ours in a 32 ounce mason jar with a blender bottle shaker ball and screw top pouring lid.

*using chilled water and short blending time prevents the overall texture from becoming too slimy

by AlbanElfed

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