Hi! I just finished baking my first sourdough attempt using a Starter I started (lel) a few weeks ago. The starter is mostly 1:1 All purpose flour and water and I used a beginners recipe for this loaf which had about 70% hydration, I think? I am very unsure about all the proper terminology, but how does it look? I think it may be slighty underbaked, but it's still delicious and a nice treat!

by Sparky201014

1 Comment

  1. Sparky201014

    475g AP Flour
    100g Starter
    325g Water
    10g Salt

    I did 3 stretch and folds, bulk ferment for about 10hrs I think, then I let it rest in fridge for about 14 hours before baking at 500 for 20min covered and in a dutch oven and then 475 uncovered for 15min.

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