dumb question, but can i use an eyebrow blade (new) to score my sourdough?

by Smooth_Razzmatazz231


  1. You may struggle to get a deep enough cut with it tbh. I usually see scores written in recipes to be around 1/2 inch. Disclaimer that I am far from an expert, just a beginner dropping by lol

  2. Real-Taste4021

    I tried this and I found it doable if not ideal. I would maybe try doing several shallow cuts over the same line? The part that holds the blade kinda snagged when I cut too deeply.

  3. PunnyBaker

    Just use a serrated steak knife. Lames arent required for a perfect cut

  4. GourmeteandoConRulo

    Question is, can you score your eyebrows with a bread blade? Jk sure you can!

  5. ARottingBastard

    Try it and let us know how it worked.

  6. Critical_Pin

    Does the blade come out? If it’s a single sided razor blade, it will work better without the handle – more control over the angle and how deep it cuts.

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