Accidentally bought a boneless shoulder instead of the usual butt I'd be going for, but I still got it done in about 15 hours (then rested for about 2) over cherry wood in my MES. Turned out amazing!! I don't think I'll look back on my decision to join team no-wrap

by demonictendencies


  1. JDoles01

    Pork will handle 250-275 fine if you need to accelerate your cook times.

    I’d guess I average 10 hours with the occasional 15 hour cook if the stall is very stubborn.

  2. Thick_Implement_7064

    I run pork shoulder at 275 and nearly always get done in 9.5 hours with a leeway of 30m one way or the other.

    Wrap at 170-175 and roll with it.

  3. Buddstahh

    Do you have the drippings/juices elsewhere?

  4. islerevival

    Man, the last time I cooked a shoulder it came out great, but I added the juices back in and it was just so fatty. Anyone know any way to avoid this other than not putting the juices back in altogether?

  5. ChuSangSik

    Looks great! Did my first butt last night on the kettle. Was so painful to manage but also turned out good.

  6. Midnitemass

    what do you rub it with? that bark looks great

  7. Rocket92

    Why’s it called boneless when I’m stiffer than a telephone pole in winter

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