Been working on my grill game for well over 15 years (48m here). Have used an akorn for the last 10. They're great for high heat meats like ribeye but horrible at smoking anything and the temps are impossible to control for anything low. Also own a traeger pellet and while nice, you just don't get the smoke flavor. So a week ago I picked up some lumber and told the wife that I was making a table for my akorn. However, I cut the hole to fit an XL Egg. I've been trying to convince her for years that WE needed an Egg. Finally she caved on Tuesday of last week. That's when I brought her home from my local Ace. I'm in love!! Blown away by how easy it is to control the temps. Have already picked up the ConvEGGtor and the CGS Woo with the 18" dual ceramic plates.

by Chemical-Falcon-84

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