Not on my A game after too many bourbons but this was my best of the night (which isn’t saying much).

by CarlsbadJim


  1. bUrNtKoOlAiD

    I’d be all over that. Not sure what everybody else would eat tho.

  2. BetterThanABear

    I’m not seeing the issue. This looks delicious.

    What kind of bourbon did you pair it with?

  3. RLIwannaquit

    looks pretty good – love the cupped pepperoni but needs a little more char on the cheese – keep the bourbon flowing lol

  4. Electrical-Ad-1798

    You got roaring drunk and proceeded to mess with an 800 degree oven? That doesn’t sound like a good idea even though this pizza looks good.

  5. MADMAX808080

    Seems like a decent pairing … try again, more bourbon

  6. pagesid3

    It looks good except for the burned pepperoni. Maybe if you just put the pep under the cheese

  7. cwhiskeyjoe

    It’s too great of a result for being on too much bourbon as it makes a cheap pizza taste great!
    All in all nice pizza!

  8. Ph0nyM0ntana

    I’m confused…are you just looking for gratification or something? Because this pizza looks excellent, and you’re playing it off as if it isn’t good when everyone in the comments seems to disagree. I know damn well you ate the crap out of that pizza and you enjoyed it. Take pride in it and don’t go fishing for gratification.

  9. I was waiting to see some 3rd degree burns…very disappointing

  10. I’d have to pass on the jalapeño, but it looks great.

  11. EcstaticJuggernaut46

    It looks amazing! Was the bourbon mixed with the cook? Looks like a nice job to me!

  12. Yeah wtf you talking about, that looks awesome

  13. Zharaqumi

    She still looks delicious, the bourbon didn’t hurt at all.

  14. Looks horrible. Give it to me and I will dispose of it

  15. Unclesquatch777

    No, no, no, you got it right. When you get it blackened just like that on the crust, oh, that’s some of the best.

  16. mandatorypanda9317

    You know you’re allowed to post your pizzas and be proud of it without acting like you fucked up right?

  17. Jhomas-Tefferson

    I think perhaps 800 is a little high. try a little lower, like 500 or 600. I worked as a pizza chef for a while, and we had a propane fired bari oven that ran at about 500 air temp, with the stones at 550. I might have those numbers backwards, but those temps worked really well in my opinion.

    I think the pie looks alright. The only thing i don’t like is the amount of blackening on the rim of the crust. Gold brown is good. Black isn’t The lower temp might help with that. Other than that, it looks like you got the dough stretching down, you got good coverage with your toppings, and you got a good sauce/cheese amount.

    8/10 would definitely enjoy.

  18. King_Dong_Ill

    This looks delicious! I would eat that.

  19. AnUdderDay

    “Not on my A game” knowing full well what he produced

    GTFO with that compliment-fishing crap.

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