I don't want to buy a bunch cause I'm still losing but holy shit I have nothing rn for the summer lol

by metaphysicalmeat


  1. offbrandbarbie

    Thrifts are where it’s at. You can find some really cute pieces in the thrift stores, and once they don’t fit anymore donate them again if they’re in good condition:)

    Or if you’re willing to spend a bit more in order to have to focus less on hunting, Plato’s closet is another good m second hand store, and everything they sell is modern/on trend so you don’t have to wade through a bunch of grandpa sweaters

  2. Perfect-Resist5478

    Good will, Salvation Army, thrift stores, learn to sew and do the alterations yourself

  3. BingoHighway

    Congrats on your progress!

    Thrift stores will be your bestest friend during your weight loss journey. You can donate your old clothes for someone else to make use of and replace your wardrobe for a reasonable price, and then continue replacing clothes as needed. I relied on the local Salvation Army for years when I gained weight and lost it again.

    Also, Old Navy is pretty nicely priced even for new items, and they always seem to have stuff on sale/clearance. I went there last year and got some nice shirts off the clearance rack really cheap. They’re having a 40% off everything sale on their site until tomorrow, if that would interest you.

    As far as pants, it’s not too hard to alter them to fit better in the waist. I’ve done this with some pants that still fit me in the legs and butt, but were a little slack in the waist. I’ve only done this with jeans, so I don’t know how well it might work with something like leggings or shorts.

  4. bucketofardvarks

    Haven’t bought anything new other than shoes in about 5 years between charity shops and vinted buys

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