Pizza with cheese and tomato and a little fish on top

by No-Mathematician8593


  1. misplacedbass

    I’m sure it’s fine, but this is what anchovies are for!

  2. Illustrious_Dust_0

    I thought this was a peach pie with a sardine on it . My answer was NO

  3. ThornmaneTreebeard

    Love it! Post to pizza sub to be humbled 😁

  4. kryingmyeyesout

    too much sardine per bite the ratios off but I respect it 100%

  5. Beneficial-Leader740

    I made pizza last week with fresh tomatoes, and olives, and put a whole can of Italian tuna on top of it. All I’m missing was an egg. It’s the best.

  6. Much-Scale-6549

    I can’t…. now anchovies I can get down with playa

  7. wadmutter

    Yes I can! I’ve been waiting such a long time… for sardines in the park?

  8. jdsayshello

    This is my go to. I usually use sardines in water instead of anchovies because the anchovies I’ve tried were too salty.

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