My wife hates the smokey flavor the food gets but the rest of the family loves it. I'm still learning so much but this smokey flavor is addicting and I never fully understood the hate against gas grills until now. Life is great, I'm happy, and my cholesterol levels are high.

by SuspiciousSeesaw2423


  1. woodFiredMeat

    I don’t even use my pellet smoker anymore. Can’t beat charcoal with hickory and apple wood.

  2. YankeeRedneck1

    This is the way. Charcoal and wood. I never liked using gas grills. Been grilling and smoking for around 30 years, since I was a teenager. Been around it all my life. My mother enjoyed grilling with a gas grill so we had one growing up but that was the very last time I ever had one.

  3. dicksledgehammer

    I love charcoal but with 2 little kids and with all their extracurriculars my gas grill sees a lot of action Monday-Thursday.

  4. bennybellum

    The only gas grill I have is my blackstone, which I think is fine.

  5. I use my gas grill when time is short on a weeknight and i have 30 minutes after work to get food on the table for wife and kids.

    I use my pellet smoker if i have a lot of kid duty on the weekend so I can be relatively hands off.

    I use my charcoal smoker when i have lots of time and can be distracted but still maintain a smoke.

    I use my offset when I am home alone and no one to bother me.

    Sorry, what were we talking about again? Was it how everything has its place?

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