I made these sardines, tomato sauce, garlic, herbs and mozz in the can. I’d like to do more like this. Any ideas? Thanks!

by Micprobes


  1. die5el23

    Here’s an idea, cook it in something that isn’t lined with cancer

  2. ThirstyBeagle

    Is the container safe to cook in? Harmful chemicals may leach off into the food

  3. Wanda_McMimzy

    It looks amazing. I saw a post on here and a video on TikTok where the OP cooked it in the can. I would’ve done the same. I’m new here and surprised to learn how snarky some people are instead of just being educational.

  4. Bonuscup98

    I don’t think any of the other comments mention anything about other ideas. Something like a plain oil packed deen with garlic herb breadcrumbs baked like a sardine rocafella (sic h to the Izzy).

    I dont think most of their chemical concerns are warranted. So im gonna try it too.

  5. Mountain_Sorbet_4063

    Awesome idea!!!!! will defo try this and post some that i have invented 👍🏼

  6. imontheradiooo

    Cooking in the can is actually perfectly safe and extremely healthy for you

  7. ChefSuffolk

    A very good Scandinavian restaurant near me makes individual [Jansson’s Temptations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jansson's_temptation) and serves them in fish tins. (Though they don’t actually cook them in the tins, they just hit the tops with a torch for a few seconds to crisp up before serving.)

  8. Michigan_Go_Blue

    The sardines are cooked in the can at the cannery in a giant retort or steam vessel. I don’t think they’re rated for further cooking

  9. welly7878

    I saw a post that used creole seasoning, butter, lemon, grated parm and Louisiana hot sauce before broiling and I’ve been wanting to try that. I feel like a mix of miso, rice vinegar, maple syrup and soy sauce would be great too – we broil salmon with that on top and it’s amazing.

  10. MundaneAd5257

    Dont smoke or cook aluminum cans either!! Theyre lined with plastic and smoking aluminum will damge your brain. Ask me how i Know

    beer can chicken is not cool

  11. Unusual-Direction-61

    Even tho it’s carcinogenic, I love that it’s a tiny casserole

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