Stupid question: if this is 320 calories dry – will it still be 320 calories after I cook it? Pls explain it in simpleton terms lol

by angerpiexo


  1. yes, bc it will just absorb water so even tho it will be more like 3 cups in volume (guess, I don’t eat rice) it will be the same amount of calories because it started out as 320 calories. You’re not adding anything to it except water which is 0 calories.

  2. It will only have more calories if you add things in like oil or butter. If you only add water (which is 0 cal) it won’t add any more calories to the dish.

    A fun fact about rice (or any other starch like potato or pasta) is that if you cook it, cool it down all the way, and then reheat it a reaction happens to the starches that makes them take longer to break down and makes you feel full longer!

  3. not_now_reddit

    If you compare half a cup of dry rice to half a cup of cooked rice, the dry rice will be way more calories because cooked rice absorbs so much water during the cooking process and expands. 1/2 a cup of dried rice is about the same as 1.5 cups of cooked rice if that helps (or about 3 times as much volume after cooking)

    It will stay the same amount of calories but take up more space

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