I thought maintenance (1750) would be easier than cutting (1250), but for me it hasn't been! Now that I have more room for carbs, I crave them constantly, and I have a history of BED so I have to fight with myself to keep tracking even if I snuck a cookie from my partner's stash (he's bulking, so he gets ALL the carbs). Making a sandwich is harder than just drinking a protein shake, but it is a lot more balanced and the extra healthy fats will absolutely help cull my cravings during the day, so I'm posting my small win here for you guys 🎖

Bagel sandwich:
– L'Oven Bagel Skinnys from Aldi (1 bagel)
– TJ's Avocado's Number Guacamole (30g)
– Hormel Natural Choice Oven Roasted Turkey (3 slices)

240 kcals, 14.5g protein, 20g carb, 8.5g fat

Protein shake (not pictured):
– Fairlife fat-free milk (105g, that's just how much I had left in the jug lol)
– Orgain Chocolate Peanut Butter Protein Powder (2 scoops)
– fill the rest of the cup with water

185 kcal, 26.7g protein, 15.6g carb, 4.5g fat

by Emiluxe_

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