You guys have ruined me for other snacks…

by newtonboi8



    Same lmao. I’ll eat and enjoy other snacks but the whole time I’ll be wishing I had some dines instead lol

  2. SunBelly

    I don’t know why I’ve never thought to eat nori with sardines. Thank you.

  3. Schackadoo

    I have all of that at home… well. KO jalapeño but still haha. Looks great.

  4. fuckin_smeg

    Those seaweed packets are delicious but I can’t justify purchasing them when they come with more plastic packaging than product. Shameful.

  5. AcornWholio

    Yes! I did a similar thing with smoked trout. The seaweed taco/wrap is delightful

  6. Aptosauras

    What seaweed is that? Are these called Seaweed Snacks or perhaps just called Nori?

    I’m going to grab some of these, but I’m not sure if they are available in Australia, so I’d like the correct name for these small sheets when I go looking for them.

    Thank you.

  7. Heck yes!!! This exact tin of Mediterranean style KO sardines is my fav so far! So damn delicious

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