It got kinda hot a few days ago and they started to curl. Rained yesterday. Every leaf on this plant is curled up 🙁 This is the osu blue tomato variant.

The black cherry tomato plant next to it is healthy looking.

by kylesk42

1 Comment

  1. CitrusBelt

    It’s just “physiological leaf roll”; no big deal in and of itself (although since the plant is in a pot, it *could* be a sign that the pot is too small for the size of the plant in your climate).

    Some varieties do it much more than others; cherry types tend to be the least prone to it.

    Going back & forth between dry soil and heavy watering can cause it…but also pruning too much at once, wind, root damage, or a combination of hot days and cool nights.

    The only real downside to it is that the rolled leaves may stay wet longer after it rains (hardly the end of the world, but not ideal).

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