No more hunting for a microwave while at work. But I also think it heats up the food better than a microwave. Slowly warms it rather than completely nuking it. Doesn’t dry your food out or make it rubbery. It just takes a while to heat up from cold. Plugs into 110v or 12v.

by Avocadosandtomatoes


  1. catzngmbaz

    Very interesting! Thank you for sharing. I hate using the microwaves at work because they are always so nasty.

  2. Moms-milkers

    im part of a storm relief tree crew for the utility company in my area. i often get called out at weird hours and work long shifts in my service truck. i bought one of these for super cheap and its changed everything for me. i now eat steak, chicken, soup, chili, rice and beans. everything. it heats up food more like an oven just like you said and i just plug it in like half hour, 45 minutes before lunch/break time. worked wonders for me and i love having dinner leftovers the day after

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