I saw this abomination today and..yes

by Economy-Fisherman375


  1. Mike_9128

    I have had this before it’s ridiculous but tastes great. Definitely can’t eat a lot of it tho so much sugar.

  2. Twat_Pocket

    Born & raised in the midwest and have never seen this personally once… but I know there are several variations of cool whip “salads.”

    They’re not awful, but the only person making it is your 80 year old grandma these days. Maybe a younger family member to keep up tradition.

  3. d3athblad3

    Is it just me, or does the video have this weird stop-motion sort of effect to it?

  4. Own-Competition-1650

    I’m going to hate myself for saying this, but that probably tastes good.I wouldn’t make it but I would eat it.

  5. Grainis1101

    It is nto stupid it is a good desert salad. Woudl be too sweet fro my ass but not stupid, i would probs add a few more fruits.

  6. newtostew2

    To the people saying gross, it’s literally a caramel apple with nuts, added chocolate and vanilla to it

  7. fitty50two2

    Putting the Snickers bars through a food processor would be better, smaller chunks overall. I feel like this is 90% there but is missing something. I’d eat it for sure anyway

  8. natasevres

    This is You never go to Italy and find a gourmet american resturant, or anywhere else in the world tbh.

    But youll be surrounded by chains making american abominations of good food.

    (Id still eat this) – But its still a vile creation.

  9. Realistic_Turn5237

    Kinda looks good. But holy fuck, shut up about the Midwest

  10. If I’m not mistaken, one Snickers bar is one serving. She used 6 of them, so that’s about 6 people. Add the rest of the products (except apples because they are quite low in calories) and you have approximately 1 dish for 6-8 people. But because it is quite small (in terms of volume), you can eat (almost?) the whole thing yourself. And then people get fat and say they didn’t eat anything.

  11. Scythe95

    As a child my mother and I used to melt Snickers in a pan and then add neutral cornflakes and fill small cupcake sized papers. It was amazing for kids party’s

  12. xrhino414

    It’s been at every family reunion I can remember. Too sweet for more than a bite or two

  13. Little-Apartment-437

    Regular diced apples made this questionable, I like caramelized cinnamon apple slices so I’d do my own twist on this, looks decent on some high stuff ngl😂😂

  14. ExtremeOdds

    Oh this is delicious! Had it once and yes it’s diabetes in a bowl but I’m sure the apples make it healthy….right

  15. 5thTimeLucky

    I’d eat this if I wasn’t lactose intolerant

  16. msdemeanour

    Is Cool Whip basically hydrogenated vegetable oils? That’s my guess without looking at the ingredients

  17. Arriba-Los-Caramelos

    If she’d have left out the apples I’d be all over that.

  18. laumiclove

    My friend actually makes this. I’ve never tried it though

  19. astrangeone88

    Not going to lie, that shit looks great. But I like granny Smith apples and everything else. Lol.

  20. Brettjay4

    I’ll say, Ive had a similar fruit salad, it’s fucking amazing.

  21. eatenbyagrue1988

    Why Granny Smith, why not something like Fuji apples

  22. Sirnando138

    I had this served to me in Idaho. It had a few slivers of mandarin oranges on top. I’ll never forget that salad.

  23. Comrade_Falcon

    Some of you have not been to a midwestern church potluck and it shows. This stuff is great.

  24. adlittle

    To my utter shame I will admit to having made this with leftover Halloween candy and it was pretty dang tasty. I wouldn’t buy candy bars just to make this, but it was a way to get rid of Halloween leftovers.

  25. Lydia_Brunch

    I wouldn’t eat this, but I bet it’s stupid tasty.

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