in 1977 a team of scientists used remote
sensing equipment to scan the Bedrock
beneath the Sphinx finding anomalies
such as cracks and Fishers that could
indicate Chambers or tunnels in 1987
another team used soundwaves to
investigate the ground discovering a
large rectangular chamber beneath the
Sphinx’s front paws these findings have
sparked speculation about what might be
hidden beneath the Sphinx some suggest
it could be a tomb a temple or even a
portal to another dimension however no
one has been able to uncover these
Chambers or tunnels as they are too deep
and risky to excavate furthermore
Egyptian authorities heavily guard the
Sphinx and do not permit unauthorized
digging or drilling some believe that
beneath the Sphinx lies a hidden Library
called the Hall of Records it is set to
contain the ancient wisdom of Atlantis A
Lost Civilization that was destroyed
around 10,000 BC According to some
psychics the atlantans migrated to Egypt
and built the Sphinx and pyramids to
preserve their knowledge for future
Generations I can’t tell you what’s
under the Sphinx but while talking about
history I can give you a nice meat dish
recipe don’t forget to follow

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