Sat down to eat this fried egg sandwich good thing I turned the light on first 😳🤮

by panopticon71


  1. GateSalt3563

    One time I accidently ate a hotdog with a bun that looked worse than that. I lived, youd be fine

  2. Beautiful_Floor_1539

    I can’t believe you just threw away a free dose of penicillin like that. This generation is so wasteful.

  3. Ehhitiswhatitis

    Setting aside the mouldy bun. What sort of fried egg sandwich was that and who cooks in the dark.

  4. silent-fallout-

    My thoughts exactly who cooks in the dark so dark you don’t notice that nasty bun(i mean even if you dont see it you can smell mold, and what is up with that cheese? Is that cheese? This looks like it was made by someone verrrrry drunk🥴

  5. Preemptively_Extinct

    You got a bad case of blue buns.

  6. 3DimensionalGames

    I once got halfway through a sandwich in the dark til I noticed a chalky taste…

  7. Is that play dough looking thing supposed to be turkey?

  8. Super_Diver2432

    Why did I think I was looking at a tongue at first.

  9. ThePennedKitten

    Reading these comments you guys need to stop cooking and eating in complete darkness.

  10. KGreen100

    First time I’ve seen a sandwich were EVERYTHING is wrong.

  11. Your choice of cheese alone makes me question everything. But I am glad you didn’t poison yourself, food poisoning is not fun.

  12. Any-Year-6618

    That’s one of the saddest sandwiches I’ve seen and it’s not cause of the bread

  13. cornbeeflt

    I’d rather eat that bun than the cheese

  14. Recreant793

    Mustard on a fried egg sandwich? 🤢

  15. bakemonooo

    Think the mold is the least of your concerns my dude.

  16. WildAd6370

    even without the mold it would have been better to eat it in the dark i think

  17. XDariaMorgendorferX

    The mold is just the tip of the iceberg here

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