Probably it won’t be such a hit like my extra cheesy smashed burger, but I wanted to try something new and it tasted really good. It was also fun to make this one

by Destrike99


  1. RedneckCrckhead69

    Oh man 🤤 My grandpa used to make them and put a little butter in them for BBQs.

  2. Locutus_of_Sneed

    Underrated post. Way more interesting than Fast Food Wars Pt. 83, or Yet Another Smashburger.

  3. robbeau11

    Knew a girl in high school with that exact name

  4. Given_to_the_rising

    Looks alright. The secrets to the original are:

    1. American cheese because it melts with the fat to make fat-cheese sauce unlike any other burger

    2. Work the ground beef in your hands until the air gaps in the beef are all gone. Do the same around the sides when you join the two patties together. This makes the beef water tight because the most common mistake is your cheese runs out through a gap.

    3. Cook it on medium-low heat, flipping it so one side doesn’t shrink too fast. It might take up to 20 minutes to cook them but be patient.

  5. foekus323

    My family is tired of me making burgers ☹️ looks like they are gonna be pissed for one more day lol

  6. jimbillyphish

    We needed a cut open shot to see the cheese melt.

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