Or is this bad quality? I'll stock up if it's good.

by emc5280


  1. CoffeeAndPomade

    For that price I would load up. You can’t buy off brand charcoal for that price.

  2. Guitarista78

    Might be old hence the price . Get one bag, go burn some then return if they light up.

  3. koogmeister

    Yep I would buy every bag they have that’s a no Brainer

  4. michaelcerreto

    I prefer lump charcoal, considering what briquets are made of.

  5. I’ve bought hundreds of pounds of Embers a few different times they’ve been on sale and every time I kick myself. They don’t do well in the smoker and you have to make sure that they are completely lit in the grill. That being said for that price I would buy the entire pallet.

  6. Yeah, 100% buy. Once they’re all lit, it’s just heat

  7. Eastern_Fig1990

    Buy them all and ask if you can buy more and have them delivered

  8. JD121996

    Not a bad deal, for sure…

    Til you go back to grab a cart for a couple bags only to get back and see a guy stacking the last bag on one of those rollaway heavy duty carts 🤬😆

  9. SofaKing-Loud

    I would grill every day if charcoal cost this. What a score. I think it’s like 12 bucks for 15lb around me.

  10. TexasistheFuture

    Tell me where. I will buy them all.

  11. Kitchen-Lie-7894

    You really need to ask? $2.50 is a good deal for petrified cat shit.

  12. Large_slug_overlord

    At that price I would at least get a $20 bills worth.

  13. gastropodia42

    I once found a deal not as good as that but I was on foot.

    I carried 40lb of charcoal a mile home.

  14. behindthelens83

    Embers is terrible. Tiny briquettes and short burn time. Spend the money on Jealous Devil.

  15. mccabedoug

    I would buy as many as I could fit in my shopping cart, drive home, unload in shed on top of all the bags of charcoal I bought last time it was in sale, get yelled at by wife as she tells me I don’t need any more charcoal, smile while she yells at me, and admire the massive stash of charcoal I have

  16. Iceman_78_

    Kinda shitty but the price is too incredible to pass up

  17. ShoulderPossible9759

    In my world we call a deal like that a sore d*ck.

  18. Spatial_web

    Buy em and sell them for double on facebook

  19. Master_Airport8035

    The next price change will mean they get pulled from the sales floor and most likely thrown away

  20. SweatsuitCocktail

    Absolutely, stock up as much as the car can fit

  21. IronEagle20

    Yes this is good and buy as much as you can store. It’s smokey AF lighting up in a chimney but burns fine, I think it’s just the royal oak mis-casted pieces.

  22. Bigswole92

    My man what is there to think about for that price lol

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