I’m sorry for making steak again.

by pauldrano


  1. ShopwornShortcut

    At first glance, I thought it was cake.

  2. nohopeforhomosapiens

    Is the only source of heat in your place a microwave?

  3. Comfortable_You_1927

    is ok one time I make steak but its really thin and it turned into Jerky, I mean my friend did that not me​

  4. BadSausageFactory

    what’s the brown liquid? tears? it’s like the steak pissed itself in fear

  5. Relative_Yesterday70

    The cow was already butchered once

  6. Gamer3510

    You should be charged with crimes against humanity with those steaks.

  7. How do you manage to cook it bloody yet simultaneously well done?

  8. Honestly I looked good till I saw it was suppose to be a steak

  9. Hot-Tone-7495

    I’d eat it, but I’m a broke b with no standards and also no steak money lol

  10. No_Hold5552

    Isn’t it preferred to “overcook” low quality meat anyway? Something about low quality meat with low marbling is tough when not cook to a certain temperature. I’m sure someone knows what I’m referring to because I have forgotten entirely.

  11. LysergicAndUseless

    some of you guys are too picky and would be scowled at in the barbecue because you complained your carne asada does not have pink in it

  12. YoualreadyKnoooo

    Don’t apologize to us, apologize to this poor steak.

  13. Griffithead

    As far as well done steak goes, that’s about as good as you can get.

    Good job?

  14. Switchbladesaint

    It’s sort of hard to tell from this picture, but it looks like you’re cutting it with the grain instead of against the grain, which can directly affect how tender the meat feels.

  15. ThePennedKitten

    I guess you’re just making giant cuts of peppered steak.

  16. Blaze_Falcon

    That’s pretty good. I’d be grateful if someone made this for me

  17. KitKatrinaOnReddit

    Still looks juicy, I’d destroy that

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