Anyone have an idea what I did wrong?

by NightRecounter


  1. Flypike87

    Don’t be sad. The best part of baking pretty things is if you make them ugly they’re still tasty.

  2. DramaMama611

    You got feet! Not too shabby!

    It looks like your batters proportions are off a little so the spread too much, or you placed them far too close.

  3. mortimerfolchart

    My guess is you overdid the macaronage, causing the batter to be too thin. Overwhipping the egg whites can cause it too. As another commenter mentioned, do give them a tad more space as well.

  4. god-ducks-are-cute

    Shell is smooth and unbroken, take the W and go through your process again. Good luck on next try.

  5. It’s okay to mess up. Ofc it will feel bad, bud don’t be sad about it. I bet you had a great time making it and next time, you’ll be more prepared and more experienced than ever was!

  6. UnfunnyGoose

    Look at those feet! I’d say you did pretty good, coming from someone who is horrible at macrons.

  7. TurduckenEverest

    How do you feel you messed up? I see a few issues…they are too close together and inconsistent size.

  8. SketchieMarie

    I’d cut them apart as carefully as you can with a paring knife. I bet they’d still look really good and definitely taste great

  9. ghoulquartz

    God… this looks a million times better than my last attempt at macarons… Good job OP 😁

  10. Worried-Celery-2839

    I’d still eat them. Those are the hardest cookie I’ve ever made so keep trying.

  11. AdorableDemand46

    That’s better than I ever could imagine! The important part is you tried.

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