I don't know how they do it, but they make a steak like I can't at home

by SDoNUT1715


  1. VendaGoat

    Are you allowed to battle the other patrons with the bone as an improvised weapon, should you finish the whole steak?

  2. ChubbyWanKenobie

    I’ve never seen one in any of my local butcher stores. Do you get any break on the per pound price with that much bone sticking out?

    I like bone in better but this looks like the steak is trying to take a selfie.

  3. julesallen

    The best time to order this steak is when somebody else is paying. Looks delish!

  4. ShnickityShnoo

    I hope it was better than the near flavorless ribeye I got at Ruth Chris. Looks promising at least.

  5. ginger_qc

    We cut these at my job for some RC in the area. 40oz prime tomahawk and yes, you do pay for the bone as weight. I bought a couple recently and my cost is around $20/lb. $100 for two steaks but they were fucking delicious

  6. That-Establishment24

    No money shot? It’s well done.

  7. B8conB8conB8con

    How much did you pay for the bone and how did it taste?

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