Lazy onion bread baked using discard and the cold oven method, I didn't get a huge spring but I don't mind that. It is delicious none the less, tweak the amount of salt to suit.

400g bread flour (I mixed 200g 11% protein and 200g 14% protein flour to use up small amount from older bag)

100g of discard (yes discard) from starter, previously fed at a ratio of 25g starter 25g white bread flour 25g wholemeal bread flour and 50g water the night before so it was hungry.

280g water

6g salt

A handful or so of dried fried onions. (I purchased these at my local Asian store)

Mix flour with 270g water and let it sit for 30 mins.

Mix salt with remaining 10g water and let it dissolve a bit.

Add starter discard and salt water to the dough and thoroughly mix.

Let it sit for 30 mins then do a set of stretch and folds.

Repeat stretch and folds again after another 30 mins. (I did these in the bowl I mixed the dough in)

Remove dough from bowl and stretch it out on the counter top as far as it will go without tearing making a large rectangle.
Sprinkle over dried fried onions.

Roll up dough like a cinnamon roll making a log shape, then roll up the log shape to make a round spiral,pop it back in the bowl and cover to rest another 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes do another set of gentle stretch and folds.
Leave dough to double in size, this took approximately 9 hours in my cooler kitchen.

Gently shape dough and pop in banneton if you have one, (I use a tea towel lightly floured with rice flour and a loaf tin) pop it in the fridge overnight, I left my loaf for around 14hrs in the fridge.

Put shaped dough in cold Dutch oven, set Dutch oven cold in oven, switch oven on to 230°c fan, (I only have fan oven) bake covered for 50 mins, then pop on baking tray to brown a further 10 mins.
Cool, cut and enjoy.

by Objective_Jicama4994

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