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Rosemary CBD Hair Growth Oil (Scalp Oil)


Hair Regrowth with Cannabidiol (CBD)-rich Hemp Extract – A Case Series
Hair Regrowth with Novel Hemp Extract: A Case Series

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Thermal Mermaid makes hand made natural artisan soap. Full recipes and printable instructions can be found on the Thermal Mermaid Learning Library. Everything is available for soapers to make for their own personal use or business.

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this video might be your natural solution to alopecia welcome to Thermal mermaid and I’m going to put up two before and after photos of a man and a woman who participated in a recent case study in Clearwater Florida that used a CBD infused oil every day for 6 months that resulted on average of a 93.5 regrowth in hair that had fallen out due to Common age related alopecia I’m going tell you about this study and then we’re going to talk about the follow-up study that was two years later and I’m going to tell you how I was inspired to create my own hair formula using this information as a helpful guide here is a before and after image of one man who participated in the study at the beginning on the left and then here is the same man on the right after 6 months he did not use any additional hair growing products or have any surgeries he only used a CBD infused oil and then here is a second example of a woman who partook in the same study on the left at the beginning of the study and on the right after 6 months so how did they achieve this in 2021 an article titled hair regrowth with cannabid CBD Rich hemp extract a case series was published in cannabis magazine a doctor in Clearwater Florida took 35 people and gave them a topical balm that he created with Lenin and oils and a specific dosage of CBD and had them apply it every day and what he discovered was that after 6 months every person in the study had more hair than when they started using the oil and some as much as 3 47% every person reported that they were happy about the results and that there were no adverse side effects for any of the people who participated now his study led to more questions so he repeated the study again in 2023 with another 31 people this time he was published in the international Journal of triology and this was titled hair regrowth with novel hemp extract a case series now this time he added Menthol oil which is also known to support alopecia and he got an even better result the takeaway from both of these papers were that CBD regenerated hair growth in a completely different way from the other other known methods that are currently approved and are used for hair loss and this means that both CBD and other methods could potentially be combined together to get a synergistic effect which was one of the things that he was attempting by adding the CBD with the Menthol oil in the second study but this study comes with a warning that’s mentioned a few times in both of these papers and that is don’t get carried away the use of CBD is dose dependent in fact CBD Works in multiple ways and if you use too much you could discover that it makes your hair fall out the dose that you use matters and in this case more is not always better now if you’re looking for a handson tutorial with the formula that I’ve created this is available for members at Cottage you can go directly to the link right below this video and that is where the content is waiting for you now there is a formula instructions that’s all there in PDF format ready to print out there’s an exclusive tutorial video that’s up right now and of course we always have the Forum that’s open uh just below the video that is ready to answer any questions you might have if you need help working through your formula and then below that there’s a list of studies that discuss the ingredients in my formula so you can get an idea of why I put things together the way I did and you can look more into that if you want to go into a deep dive but if you just want to get more of a feel of what is in this hair oil so that you can work on putting yours together then let’s watch how this comes together in my formula I’m using a rosemary infused oil now Rosemary is already well documented to help with patchy alopecia and we’re going to explore this synergistic effect that the researchers describe in their Studies by infusing the CBD with rosemary oil also if you’re going to be wearing this all day it just smells lovely now other herbs that are known to promote hair growth are horse tail ginsing and peppermint and you can make an infused oil with any of those now when the researchers are talking about synergistic effects with known hair growth supplements they’re specifically talking about minoxidil and feride which are Pharmaceuticals and FDA approved we on the other hand are working in terms of cosmetics and herbs so you do have to use your creativity and craft with herbs that are also already known to improve the constitution of your hair now in this formula I’m going to blend lanoline into my oil and this is just going to thicken my oil the lenlin of course is a wax and when I just drop one little bit of oil onto my scalp then I would expect it to stay where I put it and then not move around and slip around all day long the lenine is going to help with that now when it comes time to blending your CBD you need to make sure to blend everything higher at a temperature of 151 Dees so that the isolate powder will melt and blend properly if you don’t reach that temperature your Crystal powder will free flow in the oil and then it’ll never really have that perceived benefit that you’re looking for so in this particular formula you want to make sure that when you’re formulating you’re shooting for 3 to 4 milligrams of CBD per dose so this is the dose that’s replicated in the study for successful results if you’re making say for example a a 2 oz balm you’re only going to put in 108 Mig of CBD isolate into that 2 oz and then that 2 oz will be used over the course of just one month and it’ll break down to about 3 to 4 milligrams per day and then you repeat that for 6 months now keep in mind we’re using these studies to inspire our formulas these are only two studies we’re not replicating this methods and what we’re doing is not science and it’s not medicine this is just a crafty inspiration back with interesting information that appears to be true and it appears to work as it’s been demonstrated now keep in mind CBD in itself has a very strong safety profile but never stop reading the newest material if canabal is a compound that you like to work with in your Cosmetics then you need to make sure you periodically update yourself on the newest studies that come out because with new information you may decide that you need to change or tweak your formulas okay friends more formulas with CBD are coming up so if this is the content that you’re looking for and you enjoy make sure that you subscribe here and you can also find us on thermal mermaid on Tik Tok I go live over there in a much more informal way where I just chat about the current things that I’m reading the current new studies that pop up so if you catch me over there you’ll get whatever I’m thinking about on any given day as I’m going through my workflow and remember you can always join us over at Cottage we’ll see you next time

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