Just made these yesterday and they’re great! Only issue is they’re a little bland on their own, any recommendations on how I can add more flavor and what I can pair with these? Sweet or savory welcome

by YellowandOrange022


  1. skogbukta

    Oooh, those look great! I love making palmiers as a favorite party snack, they’re always a hit and look fancy.

    Before baking, while the dough is raw and flat, you can press shredded cheese or everything bagel seasoning onto the bottom or the top of the dough Then when you roll the sides up, it gets Incorporated into the layers.

    You can also add various fillings like nuts, seasonings, sun dried tomatoes, cheese, chili oil, pesto, flavored cream cheese, etc. Do this while the sheet of dough is flat, before rolling the sides up.

    My go-to is spreading garden veggie cream cheese, then topping with crumbled bacon and chili flakes before rolling it up. For a sweet version, I fill with nuts, sprinkle cinnamon sugar, and a touch of orange or lemon zest.

    As for a pairing once it’s been baked, you could serve your palmiers on a plate alongside a semi soft brick of cream cheese topped with pepper jelly, or a tepenade, or any delicious spread that you would enjoy on a cracker or toast.

  2. PunnyBaker

    Next time roll them thinner so the sugar to dough ratio is higher. I find they caramelize great and thats enough flavor on their oen then.

    A quick flavor boost would be to just drizzle chocolate over it.

  3. cherrycokelemon

    I put Lemon Curd and whipped cream on store bought Palmiers. Messy but good.

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