I tried Google Translate camera and it came out as ‘Konare Trouble’ lol.

I got it from Kagoshima, and I know it tastes like mikan/orange. It’s also a tad spicy.

If anyone can let me know what this pouch of sauce is called, that would be great! Feel free to suggest how to use it too.


by keepmyheadhigh


  1. “Mikan Kosho”

    It’s like yuzu kosho but made with mikan oranges

  2. fushigitubo

    It’s called 小みかんこしょう (komikan kosho). ‘[Komikan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Komikan_(fruit))’, meaning small mikan, is a local specialty product from Sakurajima, Kagoshima. True to its name, it’s the smallest mikan in the world. The package also mentions that it uses local habanero, which gives it its spicy flavor.

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