
by PLTRruinedme


  1. RonOfCFA

    Not gonna lie my autistic ass would demolish this plate rn

  2. cmdrxander

    What are those cheesy bun things? They look incredible

  3. silent-fallout-

    Nooop not shitty I’d eat this with some garlic dip and honey mustard dip

  4. KrayzieBoneLegend

    Are those mini or bagel pizzas? Cause that golden brown colour is making me salivate.

  5. Duke_of_New_York

    The chipped bowl and filthy table are great details.

  6. kotlet_jpg

    Where’s shitty food? I would eat the whole plate lol

  7. Dry-Double-6845

    Bagel Bites and Dino nuggets! Yum. What sauce?

  8. Toadliquor138

    Ive actually rseen reviews where those dinosaur chicken nuggets are the best chicken nuggets available at retail stores.

  9. Tasty-Pineapple-

    This looks good. The picture looks good too.

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