Somehow, this sub kept showing up in my main feed. So I lurked. From your overall enthusiasm, to the neat look of some of the tins, and the idea that I could store tasty fish in my cupboard, was too enticing for me. But I was still apprehensive.

I did enough research to know that this water packed tin is more suitable for adding it to food, rather than eating straight from the tin or with simple sides like a hot sauce.

As you can see, Northern Catch in Water is what I sampled today. Based off what I’ve seen in this sub, they’re on the larger side of sardines. It was also rather dry in the middle. Something I knew would happen with a larger fish but all wasn’t lost. The broth mixed with the fish was still a damn good meal and adding a few hot sauces made me instantly realize why it’s highly recommended. The way it balances out the fish was honestly magical to me.

You all really helped make this a pleasant experience, though. For instance, when I opened the tin, that initial smell of fish was so strong, but I knew to expect it and so it didn’t waver my resolve.

From here I’m going to branch out and try and find some smaller sardines and get the various flavors they pack them in. I recently acquired this same brand, but it’s in sunflower oil.

Oh, last but not least, this was all at Aldi. The selection is definitely not great. I live down the road from a Trader Joe’s, so I’ll be going there sometime next week.

If anybody knows of any good brands that are at Trader Joe’s, please let me know! I’m listening. I’m learning.

Happy Friday, y’all. And thanks for all the help in making my first experience a good one. I actually don’t think I would’ve enjoyed this had I not followed your suggestions.

by Ricky_Rollin


  1. huckleson777

    Omg whoever recommended northern catch in water to you should be put in prison lol. Sardines in oil or sauce or much, MUCH better.

    On the bright side, if you thought that was good, you will definitely like sardines.

    I tried these once out of curiosity, and it was just gross.

    You have to try King Oscar and Nuri. Easily my favorites and favorites of the sub as well.

  2. califloridation

    The first step is admitting you like tinned fish . Welcome ! Always look for tinned fish In your daily travels . They can pop up in unusual places . Be “sardine curious” all the time , wherever you are, eat small, eat healthy , eat bait! 10 million salmon and tuna cant be wrong . ……..

  3. Perky214

    Welcome to the sub!!

    My best advice for someone very new to tinned fish and who wants to ease into sardines is to try Seasons, Wild Planet, or Cento Boneless and Skinless sardines. They are very mild, and very good sardines.

    Avoid any Chicken of the Sea sardines, and any sardines packed in water.

    If all you have access to is supermarket tinned fish, get King Oscar in olive oil.

    If you like the B&S sardines, try regular sardines (with bones and skin) in olive oil.

    If you don’t like the B&S sardines, try KO mackerel in olive oil, or maybe oysters or kipper snacks (herring).

  4. Padgetts-Profile

    Ayyy, Aldi brand slaps. Try the hot sauce or mustard ones.

  5. Senator_Turkey

    I think the best Trader Joe’s Can is their smoked trout, it’s great for making a German-style smoked trout dip.
    They also sell Crown Prince oysters in olive oil, which are really good. Their mussels are decent for the price but I think a lot of people here like them more than I do, I find them a bit bland. Their smoked salmon is okay, but it’s really more of a poached salmon fillet that’s very mild tasting.

  6. MediOHcrMayhem

    “…if anybody is interested.”

    Honey, you must be new here. We are ALWAYS interested.

    I will say, I definitely agree with how you went about eating the sardines in water. I probably would only eat them added to a brothy or super saucy food. I’m still somewhat of a nooby myself, but this sub has me addicted and I’ve tried over a dozen brands/flavors so far and I don’t plan on stopping anytime soon 🤗

  7. saltyisthesauce

    That whole second picture was me age 16-21

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