I pizzoccheri sono un piatto tipico della Valtellina, in Lombardia, a base di farina di grano saraceno. Sono simili alle tagliatelle, ma più larghe e corte, e hanno un colore grigiastro scuro dovuto all’utilizzo del grano saraceno.
La ricetta dei pizzoccheri è stata codificata nel 2003 e ha ottenuto il marchio I.G.P. (Indicazione Geografica Protetta).
Io l’ho rialaborata, con una versione più romana, ma eccezionale come l’originale.

Ingredienti per 4 persone :
400gr di farina di grano saraceno
100/120gr di farina 00
500gr di patate
5-6 agli sbucciati
270gr di acqua di rubinetto
150gr di burro
200gr di formaggio Casera (o qualcosa di simile, che si scioglie facilmente)
150gr di Grana padano (o più….)

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[Music] Good morning friends here again on our channel today we will have a great lunch we will have a lunch that is practically one thing but we will have a calorie boost so we will have the first second third side dish and maybe even sweet but you don’t know what we are going to do because I’ve been eh So I got bored going south north Eh I went north I went to Milan and a friend asked me come here I’ll take you with an exceptional chef we went all the way to Valtellina and in the end they took me to a restaurant where there It was a chef friend of his who passed down this tradition of making the famous pizzoccheri. Today we will make the pizzoccheri. But the pizzoccheri. Attention. The first thing he told me, I don’t know the types of pasta, it’s all the all the whole dish is called pizzoccheri so I’m I don’t know what this mixture is, however it is made based on buckwheat, buckwheat comes from the north or rather first it came from below from Turkey then it ended up in the north then it returned to the north from Germany Then it went to Switzerland then it arrived in Italy and then we in Rome loved it and so now I will teach you this beautiful recipe let’s go and see the ingredients there are four they are very easy and they can be made in half an hour so it is an exceptional recipe we eat the whole family everything and make a just dish and you’re all set S ceno wheat is a wheat that I told you before comes from the north and more or less Dai by the Germans and was called because it was a different wheat from our wheat that we know from our flour that we know and it was called the wheat of the pagans So from there Pagans became from the Saracens Because the Saracens the pagans are the non-Christians basically and so then they called it Saracen for for those who invaded from below who arrived who were clearly non-Christians and so it became the buckwheat everything here is an exceptional grain of truly ancient grains we are talking about the medium from before the Middle Ages and gluten free so what does it do there is no gluten everyone can eat it it is digested in an exceptional way So let’s go and see the ingredients So clearly we need a recipe for four people but it’s for lunch eh so magnate this and then that’s it So buckwheat Four ounces of beautiful buckwheat flour very good a little black and then mix it with a clean mixture and some 00 flour then we’ll see how now let’s go and see it it will take about 500 g of potatoes which I have already peeled and put in water otherwise they will blacken so we put them aside with a little bit with a dash of lemon Then it will take 5 if the garlics don’t work eaten they only serve to give flavor to me let’s see how then 270 g of water normal water as you like eh par grana patano grana patano about what you like to taste eh in Rome it would be q There When it ends so we put it all in because it is so good for which big potato you put in it what you like After that you will need a half of butter butter Here it is butter and this is the characteristic of these pizzoccheri We would like Casera cheese Casera cheese mixed with Mental and other things I don’t have it here in Rome found the Casera But he told me look that this is paro paro At Casera so you find a type of cheese like Emmental which then melts So you go to an expert In short your cheese dealer and ask him Which which Which it is the cheese that is more or less similar to Casera it takes two ounces of Casera So as you can see first of all I cut the potatoes otherwise they will blacken so I put them to cook I cut them very small very fine because practically on top of Magnano tons of potatoes so C they put the touches like this and therefore in the pasta then I don’t like it In short the potato that I put in the pasta must be a potato that is there but isn’t there in the sense that it is there but you can’t see it so it almost has to difal when it is put in the mouth So I cut them very small Here they are I don’t know if you can see Yes more or less Here they are very small and in the meantime we put them to boil to cook So then at this moment we’re going to do our la our pasta the dough we mix the 00 flour into our wheat salt dinner we add the water a little at a time and mix we also add a little bit of salt eh We work it a little in our container and then we turn it out onto a surface Oh it’s a rather particular flour so if you have problems making it assembling as you can see it seems like working with the with the soot with the charcoal you add a little more water Eh it depends on the flour you find So as you can see it must come out of this type so in the end smooth if during the processing you notice that the dough is not it integrates so it spreads it breaks you see it means that there is little 00er flour you can also add a little 00 flour to allow the dough to roll up in short that it doesn’t break because if you continue to knead the dough instead If it is shoulder it means that there is no cohesion with the 00 flour so add a little together with the other water of course So gentlemen let’s move on to the cabbage Meanwhile the potatoes are cooking for about 7-8 minutes let’s start from the beginning minutes that I tell you I can’t tell you because if you buy potatoes from Vezzano it takes 15 minutes if you buy potatoes from Ethiopia it takes 3 minutes If so you have to go there and taste when they are cooked and removed so it’s useless to say Cook for 8 minutes The potatoes aren’t true that 8 minutes takes a stone out of me so I have to wait and adjust so forget the minutes Now we’re dealing with the Versa, we’ll cut it, this is 800 g so we don’t need all this, the Tamo in half let’s try to get rid of all the larger ribs and leave only the leaves at this point we cut into stoles like our fettuccine that we will make later of about 2 cm. So I recommend you remove the larger pieces and let them break like this and where we’re going to put them we’re going to put them where they’re already cooking the potatoes so I’ll put everything together Here Here you go Open up you see try to open leaf by leaf don’t leave it together otherwise afterwards eat a large piece the bigger pieces like this take it off another other advice they told me I recommend when you boil the potatoes the All cabbage Put a lot of water a lot of water it practically disperses everything in the water and therefore in the end the goodness is gone plus I like the potatoes Quagliata so the I like the soup a little thicker and above they make these Pizzocri which for goodness sake I would never allow myself to recommend improvements but on top they practically remove the potatoes and the cabbage after they are cooked draining on the plate and then we’ll see eh and But let’s say that to us here in Rome we make concoctions so we also like that the stuff is sticky that the cheese is stringy and runny in short in short put don’t put a lot of water If you want to do the one with a lot of water and then drain if you want to make the version a little bit of vinch Cook put in less water, the bare minimum that you need to cook things. Then add it slowly, always hot because otherwise it will make everything soft and. Cook in there so in the end when you drain it all becomes a little more hardened. Ok, not not clear and rinsed How it is done in the north which is all precise and while here in Rome we do what we can do now in the meantime let’s go and make the pasta which in the meantime was ready Here it is I’ll show it to you and I’ve put it to rest now let’s go to our tagliatelline which would then be the pizzoccheri in another pan I put our pound and a half of butter with our six garlics cut in half slowly slightly leave the garlic inside then later when all the butter has melted we remove the garlics but leave them for It’s time to brown the garlic together with the butter. We’ve put the pear in. The potatoes are cooking and at this point we’re going to make the pasta in a bowl. The pasta has rested a little and taken a nap. Here it is on a fairly floured surface, let’s try to roll out the dough we have to make a layer that will be more or less a couple of millimeters high. Oh well, even if you make a mistake, it doesn’t matter. It depends on how thick you like the dough. Keep in mind that clearly the higher it is, the more you have to cook it, so you understand the pasta When cooked When it’s starting to come to the surface then we’ll see it Let’s go So let’s find a rolling pin let’s give it to me here C He stays here keep quiet I found Rolling pin Then I’d give him a flatten out maybe let’s do it in two barrels so let’s give him R’s an adjustment because maybe the dough is a little annoyed so we laugh at him before you roll it out, give him the right amount Tia, make sure the dough must be quite elastic. Oh, it mustn’t fall apart otherwise then we’ll eat the little pieces of dough, not the tagliatelle. Make sure you help yourself with the flour because otherwise it will stick. everything eh the moment you have made strips of this kind here cut out the little pieces as you like find a tray with a little flour because otherwise everything will stick together and let’s go and prepare our tagliatelline cut a little for Strange how how we how do you do it You see how it comes out you see I’m a bit like calling it In short cut as you like ok They’re a bit naughty as they say Rome up they would say it differently we in Rome We are Here they are rough naughty tagliatelle because vulgaris a little Latina C is always good Don’t worry if the tagliatelle is a little rough a little strange a little Let’s say you need to make small pieces of pasta Then if you want to do something like maltagliati it’s fine the same in short as much ‘it’s important to make them, what do we care, as long as we make them, it’s not like you have to make grandma’s tagliatelle, all the precise ones, we don’t get the precise ones because we only have an interest in feeding ourselves. Here we go, our pizzoccheri are our pasta. it’s over it came out a bit strange a bit all but we don’t care it’s not that we have to make recipes to show that we are beautiful and good at cutting straight we make good recipes Then we go and cook them we cut our Casera cheese or what you found in small pieces I recommend that you cut them into small cubes because they have to melt in the heat so if you have taken a cheese that is not Casera which melts, it liquefies then perhaps you will have problems because you eat up the pieces of cheese so cut them as small as you can make them Here our little pieces are a bit small Let’s test first if they melt well Then otherwise we’ll let them go over the heat again for a little bit so that we can go and see what happens Oh the table is not clean but Barbieri is there I do as I want I recommend you don’t salt the water too much it’s better where the vegetables are because then by adding the cheese which is salty anyway I don’t want everything to be too salty then reduce it a little Here we are when we are let’s put our tagliatelline to the boil Then our pizzoccheri must boil let’s say boil 8-10 minutes adjust try them and see when they are cooked Then we remove the garlics from our butter which are well wilted Then if anyone wants they can also eat the gagli eh not is that there is a rule in a pan to heat we add a little of our butter and we begin to scale our pizzoccheri in Scarci as you can see we try to drain as much as possible otherwise as we drain we add our diced cheese you see that the cheese is starting to melt mm as the cheese melts let’s add more butter and our parmesan our recipe is finished let’s go to plate let’s say goodbye a photo and let’s eat as you can see in this recipe vinch Cook didn’t add any herbs of other things because the recipe is really good all at most a little bit of pepper which is certainly also in the recipe Here you go gentlemen our pizzoccheri are ready eh Very little stuff cabbage buckwheat pasta and very cooked potatoes because I actually like them In fact as you can see the normal Pizzocri are practically Tagliatelle I like to make it more in this way let’s say a little more like a soup therefore a more Quagliata soup As we say here then after that I wouldn’t want to offend anyone from Valtellina so don’t get angry but we come down here the further south we go the more a Picci makes so this is my recipe I hope you liked it Make it because really It’s good and it takes very little, look, even in the descriptions it takes very little, eat it Let’s celebrate Valtellina Good things Please, put a few likes because you surely like this thing here, so what does it cost you, put a few likes and see you next time [Music ] to

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