This is my first year trying to grow anything and I can’t stop killing plants. I do have a bunch that are seemingly doing well but one by one they are falling over never to get back up again. Between where the plant goes into the soil and the foliage the stem seems to get skinny when this happens. I only have 30ish pepper plants left and I’d like to at least harvest one pepper this year. Thanks in advance for the help

by CharacterSky3651


  1. Williamshitspear

    Kinda seems like a watering issue. The substrate looks very dry and maybe you’re overcompensating by watering them too much after you’d let them dry out.

  2. darktideDay1

    Looks like damp off to me. Which is almost always terminal. Read up on it to prevent.

  3. JazzlikeMix4437

    Did you harden them off before putting them outside?

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