“something in the tomatoes smells!” today, I am the tomato sniffer

by JauntingJoyousJona


  1. Aikotoma2

    That one tomato in the middle with that real suspicious dent looking at me like

  2. MyFriendLucifer

    Nothing brings the kitchen family together like sniffing around for something funky. Good luck!

  3. wazacraft

    I legit thought there was a black cat looking up from underneath

  4. killer_k_c

    You should always smell your vegetables if you pick them up and you smell them and they don’t smell like the vegetable you’re smelling then they also don’t taste like it.

    When you pick up your vegetables and they have the very intense smell of whatever it is that you’re smelling they also have the most taste

  5. I managed the busiest free standing Wendy’s in the world from 97-04 and we would slice at least 6 cases a day. We would move so fast, that you didn’t have time to check each one. Every once in a while, a rotten one would just smash in the slicer and spray nasty rotten tomato everywhere.

  6. pickadillyprincess

    I’m a pastry chef but I went into the produce cooler today to grab something I needed and I could not figure out why our produce cooler smelled like straight up peanut butter. I even dug around the shelves it’s not even my walk in but I was so puzzled by the smell and couldn’t find the source

  7. BuuMonster

    Man I can go for a beefsteak tomato sandwich looking at this post extra mayo, salt and pepper

  8. And_Im_Allen

    I have a tomato for you to sniff. (it is my butthole)

  9. So tomatoes produce ethylene as they ripen, this can also cause other produce to over ripen which is why they are suppose to be stored separately in some aspect.

    You can also put a tomato in a paper bag with an avocado to soften up the avocado faster.

    You probably smell tomatoes farts

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