Hi guys! This will be my first year growing peppers. I have a few varieties, and am curious how to care for them. With tomato plants this size (4”) I’d pick the fruit off to encourage a bigger plant at this stage, and bury 3/4 of the stem when repotting for a healthy root system. Should I treat my pepper plants the same?

by Spacetrash08


  1. pesciasis


    Most of the soils and fertilizers are same for both of them

  2. Dry_Cauliflower_3559

    They don’t like as much water, but they can absorb more as they get larger. Also don’t bury the stem. They don’t root along it like tomatoes. Also look into pepper edema helped me a lot.

  3. X153CrMoV12

    Yah but they dont need to get protected, like tomatoes do. Rain is totally fine. They are in general more disease resistant. But the like it abit hotter then tomatoes and ned less wather, but they dont like drying out. Also you dont want to prune them. Just water and feed them and they should be fine.

  4. Leading_Impress_350

    Blasphemy!! Peppers are like children! /s

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