this is a breakfast panini from alon’s with bakery fresh homemade ciabatta, eggs, swiss cheese, tomato

by Busy_Set2649


  1. dressagerider1020

    idk, but looks & sounds like it’s worth it 🙂

  2. cbee6390

    I’d guess: 300 for the ciabatta
    150 for the eggs
    200 for the cheese
    20 for the tomato

    So probably 600-700 total and about 20-25g protein

  3. user2864920

    It’s literally impossible to guess without knowing exact ingredients and amounts

  4. NoComb398

    Enjoy your sandwich. Seems worth every delicious bite. Dieting and restricting calories now can really mess things up for life for you. It’s worth the effort to continue your recovery and find a healthy relationship with food like enjoying a special, delicious, breakfast sandwich.

    I would recommend Allie Ostrander on YouTube to you. She is a pro runner and also in ED recovery. I think you’d get a lot from her commentary. But she’s also a cautionary story of how amenorrhea and under feeding can have a negative impact that beyond the obvious.

    For other commenters. The OP is 16 and in active ED recovery.

  5. Final_Assignment1826

    700 would be a good guess. Unlikely to be a major under estimate, which is what you’re really trying to avoid.

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