Pace Salsa Con Queso (jalapeno based)

by LZ_OtHaFA


  1. LZ_OtHaFA

    air frying some bacon now to test, will report back!!

  2. LZ_OtHaFA

    more cheezy then hot, but very good flavor

  3. YoualreadyKnoooo

    How you post a jar that says “medium” in the spicy sub? This ain’t the medium sub homie!
    Jalapeños aren’t even really spicy.

    That being said its probably pretty tasty despite its lack of heat.

  4. Smashmouth_Girl

    That’s a pretty cool jar design, I havent seen that yet.

  5. davidr2340

    The Tostitos brand Spicy Queso actually has some heat to it!

  6. ouchiemybrain

    This is like someone posting a tricycle on a sub for cars.

  7. BrianOconneR34

    Jalapeño based and “real” cheese flavor.

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